A year ago yesterday, I was (im)patiently awaiting the arrival of my sweet Sofia. Today, she is a whole year old, where has the time gone? It never ceases to amaze me how long the last few weeks of pregnancy seem to be but how quickly the 1st year seems to fly by!
She has MANY knicknames - Sofi, Fia, Topi, Topapia, Tofi,Tofers, Topes, and slimer
She is very close to walking.
She loves to chase her siblings around the house.
Sofi tries to "sing" along with music when she hears it playing.
She climbs everything that she can reach.
She enjoys playing with Evie's baby dolls.
Sofi's Stats:
Height - 28 1/4"
Weight - 18lbs 2oz.
We had a first when it comes to stats. Sofi is my first baby to measure below the 50% mark. She is now on a high calorie, high (good) fat, and high protein diet. Our Dr. thinks the big drop in weight and height is due to the fact that Sofi would still prefer to nurse over eating other foods. She needs to "bulk up" of how high her activity levels are now that she's crawling and such.
Sofi's cake says "S" "O" "F" "I" around the sides and has a big "1" on the top. |
Enjoying the frosting more than anything. |
"Happy Birthday to you..." |