I know we haven't updated this blog in over 18 months, so I figured that it was about time to let everyone know what's going on with us.
Since the last time I posted:

We have begun the potty training adventures with
Reagan Daniel and are getting a little closer to completely trained every day. In fact, today he went poop on the toilet without even being told to try! He will be 3 years old next month (it's amazing how time flies) and is extremely smart and VERY curious for a not-yet-3 year old. He is always coming up with well thought out statements, such as today, he came in and asked me where Jared was this morning, when I told him that "Daddy was at work", he paused for a moment and then asked, "So does Daddy just come home, go to sleep, and then go to work again?" This has been quite true lately as Jared has been working 50-60 hours a week and goes to class another 2-3 hours after work 3 days a week (for a total of 7-9 hours each week).
Evelyn Sue was born (May 14, 2008 @ 5:30am, weighing 9lbs. 2oz. and 22" long). She is now almost 19 months. She is really talking a lot now, albeit not as clearly as Reagan did at the same age. Still quite tall for her age, she was off the charts at 36" when we took her in for her 18 month checkup (just for comparison, Reagan was only 36 1/4" at his 2 year checkup).

We found out last year, on the day after Christmas, that I was expecting again. It was quite the shock as we were not planning to have another one for a while. None the less,
Amelia Ann was born on August 18, 2009 at 2:30am weighing 8lb. 12 oz. and 21.5" long. She is almost 4 months old and is quite the chunk, she weighed 13lb. 8oz. and was 24 1/4" at her 2 month checkup (just to give you an idea of how chunky she is in comparison to the other two: Reagan was 13lb. 2oz. and 24 3/4" at 2 months, and Evie was 12lb. 11oz. and 25 1/4" at 2 months).
I am still working for an independent insurance agency and Jared for the industrial painting company. Things are busy, busy, busy between family, work, school, and church stuff. We have been working at becoming debt free since September of last year using the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover. Since then, we haven't used a credit card or taken out a loan, and we have paid off both vehicles and a couple of credit cards. God is good!
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