Welcome Friends & Relatives!

We created this site in hopes of not jamming your email full of pics of our pride and joy. Enjoy and behold the wonder that is our son!

Monday, November 8, 2010


It never ceases to amaze me watching the kids grow and develop, whether physically or mentally.

 At the Farmer with the kiddos.

Reagan is so inquisitive about anything and everything. He also remembers things pretty well. He is a logical thinker, which makes life interesting. He wants you to explain everything and sometimes struggles when the answer to his question is "Because...." He is starting to "outgrow" his naps, which means that I have to get more creative with ways to keep him busy so that he doesn't come up with his own ways to be busy. He likes to take charge of things (already quite the little leader) and be the center of attention. He's always telling us that he wants to be up on the platform at church. :o) Reagan fears almost nothing and has injured himself doing daring feat on several occasions. He is also my "big" helper when he chooses to be one.
 Reagan decided that her needed another place to put his hangers, so he used his toy hammer (yes, it was plastic) to pound a small screw driver into his bedroom wall.
Reagan pulling the girls in the wagon on one of our family walks.

Evie is our girlie-girl. She LOVES her pretties, dress-up dresses, and walking around on her tiptoes like a ballerina. She can also be very emotional, which has been interesting for Jared and I. We have to deal with her in a completely different way than we do with Reagan. She is also extremely tall for her age, she is wearing size 4T/5T clothes at 2 1/2! Evie can be very skittish of new people or things. She is also very anxious when in crowds. Evie is also not a fan of heights, etc. and she is also very uncoordinated like her mother.

Amelia is such a goofy little girl. She likes pretties but also enjoys wrestling with Reagan. She already likes to "bother" her siblings. If she discovers that something annoys Reagan or Evelyn, she will do it all the more. Remind you of anyone? (Maybe daddy or uncle Jeff...) She can be very cuddly one minutes and very independent the next. Amelia is a bit more on the stubborn side. For example, she had a vocabulary of about 15-20 words a month ago but now refuses to say all but, "go", "num-num", "woof-woof", "Jo-Jo" (Gma & Gpa L.'s dog), and "na-na" (no-no). She started doing this after we tried getting her to say things like "please", "down", and "out". She now chooses to grunt, point at, and whine for things that she wants even when you refuse to let her have her way until she "says" what she wants. If you ask her to say a particular word, she will look at you, smile, and proceed to either shake her head "No" or say, "Na-na" (no-no). She has also started getting taller and thinner, she now comes to Evie's shoulders when just a few weeks ago she was shorter than them.
 Amelia being her daring little self. She climbed up there all by herself.
Falling asleep in the highchair at lunch. 
(This is a fairly normal occurrence when she is going through a growth spurt.)

Baby #4 must be continuing to grow. I already feel like I am starting to "show" at only 7 weeks pregnant. Waistbands are starting to feel uncomfortable when I sit and clothes that were big on me a few weeks ago are starting to fit in the waist area again. Reagan likes to touch my tummy and tell me, "Mom, I can feel the baby." This usually makes me laugh and I have to explain over and over again that the baby is still too small for him to feel it. He is also convinced that this one is a boy, as that is what he prayed for.

There are days that I definitely struggle with everything that comes along with the job of being a "Mom", but a majority of the time I am thankful for these little wonders that God has entrusted to my care.