Reagan -
At 4, he is always coming up with interesting and funny things to say especially when they involve Sofia. He is also very curious and wants to know about EVERYTHING - how things work, how they are put together, how to spell words, etc.! It can get a little tiring with all the "why's", "how's", and "what if's".
- (May 26, 35 weeks along) This morning Reagan wanted me to help him with something while I was sitting in the recliner eating my cereal. I set my cereal bowl on top of my belly and Reagan thought it was just the coolest. This is what he said, "Wow mom, you can use Sofia as a table! If I had a belly like that I would use it to set stuff on ALL the time!"
- (May 24, 35 weeks along) Reagan was awake by himself for a bit this morning and he said a couple of funny things that involve Sofia. He was sitting on my lap and was putting his hand on my cheek when he said, "Mom, you feel really warm." Then he put his hand on my forehead and my neck, saying, "Wow, mom, you are really, really warm. Are you feeling ok or are you sick?" I told him that baby Sofia was keeping me really warm, which lead to the next funny thing. Reagan was talking about how much he loves baby Sofia and how he can't wait till she pops out (he asks almost daily when she is going to get here). I talked to him about how babies stay in their mommy's tummies for about 40 week (I talked to him about this earlier the next bullet point) and then told him that Sofia had been in my tummy for 35 weeks. We counted together how many weeks there were left between 35 and 40, he got very excited when he discovered there were only 5 weeks till 40. Then I told him about how he, Evie, and Amelia all stayed in my tummy for 41 weeks so it could be longer than 5 weeks before Sofia came out. I asked him how many weeks he thought Sofia was going to stay in my tummy since everyone else had stayed for 41 weeks, he replied with a silly grin, "45 weeks I think." Then he started laughing.
- (At 28 weeks along) Sofia is borderline hyper today, which the kids LOVE because they like to feel her moving around. Reagan told me, "Maybe she is excited because God is going to let her out of your tummy today." I told him that she needed to stay put for another 11-12 weeks. He told me that was a really LONG time. I told him that babies are supposed to stay in their mommies tummies for 40 weeks or so until they've grown enough to come out. I told him that she'd already been in my tummy for 28 weeks and only had 12 left to go. He put his hand up on his forehead, sighed, and said, "WOW, 40 weeks! That is like more than 100 years!" I think we need to work on his math just a little more. ;o)
- Reagan has started following in Jared's footsteps where impersonations are involve. The other day he was walking around the house talking in a higher pitched and kind of squeaky voice for almost 30 minutes. I couldn't figure out why until he came into the kitchen by me and said, "Mom, listen. I can talk like _______ (a girl in his Sunday school class at church)."
- He can spell and write his name, "mom", "dad", and a couple of other things.
- Last night (May 25), they had the King's Kids awards program at church and I really didn't think much about it because Reagan is only in the Lambs & Flyer's class (3-5 year olds). So when they started giving out certificates I was excited for him (he got one for attendance and another for finishing his Lamb's book). Then they announced the "Flyer of the Year" trophy (the child with the most points) and Reagan had tied for the trophy with 15,400 points, saying 36 goal cards!
Reagan and his Trophy
Evelyn -
We've discovered the Evie is ALL girl and a very girlie-girl at that. She LOVES pretties, frills, and being pampered. She is also very emotional, which can be a struggle to deal with at times because the littlest thing will put her in tears.
Evie is our "giant" girl as I call her. She was just shy of 40" tall at her 3 year check-up and is only about 1.5"-2" shorter than Reagan (who is just above average for a boy). She's wearing size 5 in most things now and I am constantly having to change out her clothes due to growth spurts.
Evie turned "3" |
Amelia -
Miss MaeMae (aka Meli, Amelia, etc.) is a very quirky toddler and a girl of few words. She entertains herself very well and LOVES to look at books. She will sit on the floor in front of the kids' bookcase and look at books quietly for 30-45 minutes at a time. She can be very silly or very serious but almost always good natured. She is a food fanatic and enjoys cuddling. She does some really goofy things like what I have pictured here.
Amelia likes to put her thumb in her mouth and a plate, bowl, or cup on her head when she is finished eating or bored. |
Sofia Grace -
I've had a very different pregnancy with Sofia than with any of the other kids. First, I started out this pregnancy a full 17lbs less than I was at the beginning of my pregnancy with Reagan. I've only put on about 16 lbs this pregnancy so I'm excited to see what I'll weigh after she's born. I have experienced some interesting things like awful morning sickness, hot flashes, horrid heartburn, etc.
Sofia is very active like both Reagan and Amelia were. I also think that she is going to be another extremely long baby like Evie was (22" at birth) as she is CONSTANTLY stretching and I still have another 5 or so weeks to go. I am really looking forward to meeting her but not ready for the extra tasks that a newborn brings. Reagan and Evie can't wait for Sofia to "pop out" and ask daily if they can feel her move or how much longer she'll stay in my tummy.
Jared and I -
We are doing well and staying busy. Jared got promoted to Office Manager at the end of last year and we got to go for a week long West Caribbean cruise on the largest cruise ship in the world (the Allure) back in February. It was absolutely amazing and I'd recommend it to anyone! We've gotten closer to being debt free and should hopefully reach that point by Christmas of this year. We've already paid off almost $30k in less than 3 years!
We are working at getting in shape physically and being more health conscious in the decisions we make. Jared had lost 90 lbs in 14 months and has been able to keep from gaining any weight during my pregnancy. I am really looking forward to getting back into my workouts once Sofia gets here. :o)