Amelia, Reagan, and Evie getting ready to go to the water park on Evie's birthday (5/14/12) |
Evie turned "4" last week so I asked her a set of 20 questions, here are her answers (that is
when Reagan finally let Evie answer the questions for herself):
- What is your favorite color? Pink and purple
- What is your favorite toy? My babydolls
- What is your favorite fruit? Oranges
- What is your favorite tv show? Little Einsteins
- What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Macaroni & Cheese
- What is your favorite outfit? My purple shirt and long jean skirt
- What is your favorite game? Candy Land
- What is your favorite snack? Peanuts, I mean trail mix
- What is your favorite animal? Bears
- What is your favorite song? Jesus Loves Me
- What is your favorite book? The ABC Book (by Dr. Seuss)
- Who is your best friend? Arika
- What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch
- What is your favorite thing to do outside? Plant flowers
- What is your favorite drink? Juice
- What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
- What do you like to take to bed with you at night? All of my stuffed animals
- What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Fruit and yogurt
- What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Ice cream & cheeseburgers
- What do you want to be when you grow up? 5
- No, what do you want to be hen you are bigger? a teenager
- No, what do you
want to be
when you are bigger than a teenager? a mom with kids and a husband
Some Stats on Evie:
Height: 42.75" (95%)
Weight: 37.6 lbs. (70%)
Some things that she's doing:
- She can write most of her letters.
- She is starting to write her own name.
- She can fold and put away most of her laundry.
- She has finally figured out how to pedal her bike.
- She can make her bed.
- She can brush her own hair (and do a good job).
- She can get herself dressed.