Welcome Friends & Relatives!

We created this site in hopes of not jamming your email full of pics of our pride and joy. Enjoy and behold the wonder that is our son!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reagan's 2nd Birth

Reagan has been asking questions about heaven, salvation, and death quite a bit over the last few months. As parents, we feel a great burden to reach our children for Christ but at the same time have not wanted to rush him (or any of them) toward a decision.
This week was different, Reagan's questions really made us think that he was ready for us to go further and share the Gospel completely with him. Last night as we were getting the kids to bed, Jared had the wonderful opportunity to show Reagan how to be saved and Reagan prayed asking God to forgive his sin and save him. :o)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reagan Notes

Reagan is learning fairly quickly how to spell/write words, and will sometimes even read signs or labels if they are made up of smaller words. He wrote this note with minimal help. It says, "Reagan for dad and mom, 'I never want to leave.'"