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We created this site in hopes of not jamming your email full of pics of our pride and joy. Enjoy and behold the wonder that is our son!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Reagan's Progress @ 3 mo.

Reagan is "talking" and laughing all the time now. He even "complains" when he's not getting enough attention or food fast enough.

He is almost 26" tall and I'm sure weighs well over 14lbs. considering he was at 13lbs. 2 oz. @ his 2 mo. checkup, and he had been putting on almost 2 lbs. per month. He has almost rolled over a few times, but you have to get him really excited in order for him to try it.

He is staying awake a lot longer and is now sleeping in his own room and the crib. He is sleeping from about 10pm until sometime between 4am-5am, which means that I am finally starting to get some solid sleep:)

He had blood tests run again on Tuesday, and the doctor's office called this morning to say that his iron/hematocrit levels are finally reading normal for his age. YIPPEE!!! He still has to be on the iron supplement, at least until his 4 mo. checkup in May.


Sam Sanderlin Family... said...


Can you imagine if we all put on 2 pounds per month? If I did that maybe I'd finally be able to beat you in basketball. So what is Reagan's favorite sport? The word on the street is that he is a Cub's fan and can't wait to see the Cubs play the Milwaukee baseball team this year. I'll have you know that Elena was at a Milwaukee baseball game by 3 months. Take care!!

Jared and Beka said...

Yes Sam, I can imagine putting on 2 lbs per month:-) Reagan's fav sport right now is b-ball. Since he was born during the Wis vs OSU game. He will grow into pro football shortly. Of course he will be a Milwaukee baseball team fan. Anyone who likes the Cubs has a strong hate for winning. I want my son to be a winner.

Reagan was at Lambeau when he was just two months, so there!