Welcome Friends & Relatives!

We created this site in hopes of not jamming your email full of pics of our pride and joy. Enjoy and behold the wonder that is our son!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving: November 16

Day 16: I am thankful for God's provision even if it is in a very unusual way. Jared and I have been praying about going on a mission trip to Puerto Rico in a few months but needed to have half of the money ($400 for each of us) in by this week. I got to looking over our accounts and in talking it over we decided there was just no way that we could "afford" to go unless God gave us the money in addition to our budgeted income.
We'd decided a few months ago to start putting any of my sewing money into a separate account specifically for either a mission trip or a vacation so we started out with exactly $57 toward the trip. Then a couple of weeks ago, we received a check for some money that someone owed us ($250). We hadn't budgeted for it so it was "extra". Then I got two more sewing jobs raising our amount to $400, which meant that at least Jared was going. Jared really wanted me to be able to go (and I really wanted to go) but we knew that it was still not a possibility unless God supplied the other $400 above our budgeted expenses. On Friday, we received a check in the mail for $100 from an income tax amendment. Now I was pretty skeptical about God supplying the other $300 by today so I'd pretty much resigned myself to not going.
Well, every Wednesday is usually my grocery shopping day but I have been stuck home due to sick kids or bad weather 3 of the last 4 weeks so I only picked up necessities instead of my usual "sale shopping". Today (while being stuck home yet again on a shopping day) I went through our finances only to discover that due to my shopping for only absolutely necessary items over the last 4 weeks we had a surplus of...drum roll please...$300. The exact amount we needed for my half of the mission trip "down-payment".

1 comment:

Sarah Robertson said...

Awesome to see how the Lord provides! (There was a reason to all those missed shopping trips!)